Big Institutions and their Inner-City Neighbours
“This paper examines cases of institutional expansion in three neighbourhoods within Winnipeg’s inner city. In the West Broadway neighbourhood, Balmoral Hall (BH), a private school, purchased adjacent housing on Langside in 2008
for conversion to student residences and a private daycare. In the Spence neighbourhood, the University of Winnipeg (UW) has embarked on an
ambitious expansion plan that involves significant construction and a re-visioning of the UW’s role in the downtown. In West Alexander, the Health Sciences Centre (HSC) has continued to expand within the context of a residential neighbourhood populated by a number of health related institutions, within a primarily single and multi-family community. In each case the surrounding neighbourhoods are concerned about the impacts institutional expansion may have on the quality of residents’ lives and on the sustainability of their residential neighbourhoods. Each situation offers its own lessons but the issues may be best understood when the three cases are looked at together.”