Developing an Inclusive Action Plan for Women in the Economy

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December 7 marks the 50th anniversary of the release of the report from the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. 

This report outlines how women are being pushed out of paid work at historic rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those in precarious jobs and those who have to sacrifice paid hours for unpaid child and elder care.    

Centering marginalized women and focusing on initiatives in fragile women-majority sectors–many of them undervalued care sectors–can provide women with the broadest and deepest pandemic economic recovery. 

The report outlines two key approaches: 

  • Overcome barriers to women’s participation in paid employment, by investinin early learning and child care servicesviolence against women and gender-based violence services, and accommodations and supports for women with disabilities, and other women have struggled to find a foothold in the labour market. 
  • Create the public infrastructure necessary to spur the creation of decent work and shared prosperity for all, by investing in the care economy, including health care and elder care, ensuring decent work for those at the margins or left out of the labour marketmodernizing income security to protect women in today’s labour market, and reducing income inequality by expanding programs that support women in the workforce.