Manitoba Alternative Provincial Budget 2020
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba office launched its Alternative Provincial Budget (APB) which proposes a number of strategic investments the Government of Manitoba can make to take action on the big issues facing our province, like poverty, climate change, and improving the well-being of Manitobans. Change Starts Here shows that there are choices the provincial government can make to narrow the gap between the rich and the rest of us, lift close to 80,000 Manitobans out of poverty and create thousands of good paying jobs in the low carbon economy. Under the APB plan, the average Manitoba family will be better off financially due to progressive tax and income transfer changes.
APB 2020 lo-res Introduction.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Fiscal Framework.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Agriculture.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Arts and Culture.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Community Economic Development.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Childcare.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Child Welfare.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Education K-12.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Social Welfare.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Food Security.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Conservation and Climate Change.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Growth Enterprise and Trade.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Health Care.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Housing.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Indigenous and Northern Affairs.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Infrastructure.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Justice.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Municipal Relations.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Newcomers.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Post-secondary Education.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Budget Paper A-Green New Deal.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Budget Paper B-Agriculture.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Budget Paper C-Procurement.pdf
APB 2020 lo-res Budget Paper D-Poverty.pdf