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A list of sites and articles worth reading:
- CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan explains how Income splitting won’t help families in need in her latest Globe and Mail article.
- In his Globe and Mail article, Not exactly an economic gold medal, Jim Stanford looks at the Conservatives’ economic track record. He followed that up with a post on the Progressive Economics Forum blog, listing the 60 countries that did better than Canada.
- Dennis Gruending has compiled an extensive and (almost) exhaustive list of organizations and programs that have had funding cut or eliminated by the Harper Government.
- Alice Funke’s blog, The Pundit’s Guide to Canadian Federal Elections, combines analysis with solid quantitative research.
- Alex Neve, Secretary-General of Amnesty International in Canada, outlines how basic freedoms of speech and advocacy are under attack in his article, The Big Chill, from the March issue of The CCPA Monitor.