The CCPA-BC has produced easy to use resources for people interested in leading a conversation about the relationship between taxes, our quality of life, and our ability to reduce inequality. These are ideal for teachers to use, or for anyone wanting to lead a discussion in their workplace, home or community.
On this page, you will find:
- A short narrated slideshow that presents basic information about the BC tax system and the need for progressive tax reform
- An easy-to-follow facilitation guide for download
- A useful fact sheet
You can also find a host of other useful resources via our Good Economy Project.
If you have any questions about the guide, or anything else, email us at: tax_training [at] policyalternatives [dot] ca
Narrated slideshow: Taxes, inequality and public services in BC
Click here to download the slides (PDF).
Facilitation guide
Click here to download the PDF (4 pages)
Additional materials:
Fact sheet
Click here to download the PDF (2 pages).