Each year, the CCPA coordinates the Alternative Federal Budget - a plan that allows us to strengthen the economy, improve the quality of life for all people living in
Canada, and to eliminate the deficit by 2016.

Now, we're giving you the chance to build your own budget! Select the programs you think are important to building a better Canada. But keep an eye on the graphs!
Budget choices have consequences and with every program or taxation change comes an effect on the deficit and unemployment. When you think you've built the best
budget for Canada, be sure to name your plan and hit "Build My Budget" to share it online.


My Outcomes

No Achievements Yet
Updated with the PBO November Economic




Aboriginal Issues

First Nations Education [+]

$800 Million

$800 Million

$800 Million

Improve drinking water and housing on reserves [+]

$470 Million

$470 Million

$470 Million

First Nations Housing [+]

$1,000 Million

$1,000 Million

$1,000 Million

Child Care

$10 a day Childcare [+]

$2,393 Million

$3,409 Million

$4,237 Million


ReBuild Canada program [+]

$3,600 Million

$3,600 Million

$3,600 Million

Culture, Arts & Communication

Modernize Canadian Broadband: [+]

$400 Million

$450 Million

$500 Million


National Student Nutrition Program [+]

$200 Million

$250 Million

$300 Million

Sugary Drink Tax [+]

-$150 Million

-$150 Million

-$150 Million


Cancel Fossil Fuel Subsidies [+]

-$1,400 Million

-$1,400 Million

-$1,400 Million

Implement a $30/ton Carbon Tax [+]

$0 Million

$0 Million

-$11,250 Million

Low Income Carbon Tax Refund [+]

$0 Million

$1,875 Million

$7,500 Million

Health Care

Community Health Care [+]

$2,600 Million

$2,652 Million

$2,705 Million

Universal Pharmacare [+]

$3,390 Million

$3,800 Million

$5,500 Million

Long Term Care Facilities [+]

$2,300 Million

$2,369 Million

$2,440 Million


Affordable Housing Strategy [+]

$2,000 Million

$2,000 Million

$2,000 Million


Military Spending back to 2001 Level [+]

-$1,280 Million

-$2,600 Million

-$4,000 Million

Increase Development Aid to 0.31% of GNI [+]

$401 Million

$661 Million

$961 Million

Post Secondary Education

Reduce Tuition to 1992 Levels [+]

$1,700 Million

$1,751 Million

$1,804 Million

Poverty & EI

Increase Canada Child Tax Benefit to $5,400 [+]

$1,489 Million

$1,422 Million

$1,343 Million

Double the GST credit [+]

$4,258 Million

$4,456 Million

$4,524 Million

EI Universal entrance of 360 hours [+]

$1,100 Million

$1,100 Million

$1,100 Million

Sectoral Development

Canadian Development Bank [+]

$1,000 Million

$0 Million

$0 Million


Bring all single seniors to the poverty line [+]

$1,411 Million

$1,701 Million

$1,574 Million


A 35% income tax rate on those making over $250,000/year [+]

-$2,710 Million

-$2,884 Million

-$2,971 Million

Eliminate Stock Options Deductions [+]

-$760 Million

-$760 Million

-$760 Million

Fully tax Corporate and Personal Capital Gains [+]

-$6,300 Million

-$6,300 Million

-$6,300 Million

Financial Activities Tax [+]

-$4,000 Million

-$4,000 Million

-$4,000 Million

Increase the Corporate Tax rate to its 2006 level of 21% [+]

-$5,250 Million

-$10,500 Million

-$13,566 Million

Reinstate the 28% tax on Oil & Gas and Financial Industries [+]

-$1,000 Million

-$1,000 Million

-$1,000 Million

Inheritance Tax over $5mil Estates [+]

$0 Million

-$1,500 Million

-$1,530 Million

Put a Tax on Tax Havens [+]

$1,600 Million

$1,600 Million

$1,600 Million


Stopping Violence Against Women [+]

$127 Million

$127 Million

$127 Million