Media Inquiries
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Donor InquiriesWe offer expert commentary, background information/briefings, and opinion writing on a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues.
For interview requests and other information (journalists only):
media@policyalternatives.caNational Office
The CCPA’s National Office was established in 1980. Located in Ottawa, it coordinates the CCPA’s national research agenda.
Amanda Klang:
- Email:
British Columbia
Established in 1997, the CCPA’s BC Office investigates key challenges facing our province through independent research, analysis and expertise.
- Email:
Established in 1997, the Manitoba Office investigates key challenges facing our province through quality, peer-reviewed, research, analysis and expertise.
Molly McCracken:
- Telephone: 204-927-3202
- Email:
The CCPA’s Ontario Office specializes in provincial and municipal issues. We deliver original, independent, peer-reviewed, non-partisan research.
Amanda Klang:
- Email:
Nova Scotia
The CCPA Nova Scotia office opened in 1999. We propose policy alternatives to achieve an environmentally sustainable, economically and socially just province.
Cherise Carlaw:
- Telephone: 902-943-1513
- Email:
The CCPA Saskatchewan office was established in 2002 to help Saskatchewan address pressing social and economic issues affecting our province.
Simon Enoch
- Telephone: 306-924-3372
- Email: