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Le monde scolaire quĂ©bĂ©cois est parcouru par une sĂ©paration nette entre le rĂ©seau public et les Ă©coles privĂ©es. Après l’application des mesures d’austĂ©ritĂ© par le…
In the time it took the moderators the US presidential debate to shut down the last microphone, just over three hundred girls were born to…
In mid-September, the Liberal Party of Quebec —not to be confused with its federal counterpart— held its fourth Forum des idĂ©es (“Idea Forum”). Over the course of…
In the first post of this two-part series, I looked into traditional indicators, those that the government uses to assess its own policies: GDP growth,…
After two years of Liberal rule in Quebec under Premier Philippe Couillard, it’s time for a mid-term review. Let’s look at empirical data to see…
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Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
The major economic problem faced by Canadians is a very slow recovery and weak job market, not government deficits or rising debt. But public spending…
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