Alan Cassels
I sometimes wonder if former prime minister Brian Mulroney still feels any pain. Back in 2005, Mulroney received full-blown chest surgery after having undergone a…
How well are consumers informed about the benefits and harms related to screening technology (CT and PET scans) in Canada? Download 1.25 MB48 pages Attachments…
Insomniacs becoming collateral damage in sleep-meds war I recently woke up at three in the morning with the chilling words “collateral damage” ringing in my…
Proposed flu immunization of all Canadians is not warranted This flu season so far has been quirkier than most, with more twists and turns than…
It’s hard to miss the explosion of media stories regarding miraculous new pharmaceuticals. But given that medicine can both help and harm, how reliable is…
How Well Do Canadian Newspapers Report the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of New Prescription Drugs? Download 574.86 KB42 pages Attachments A Journalist’s Guide…
BC’s Experience With the Reference Drug Program as a Model for Rational Policy Making Download 172.4 KB 23 pages
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