Erika Shaker
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Les nominations d’enseignants contractuels, la tendance dans les universités canadiennes Download 1.54 MB60 pages Les universités canadiennes dépendent énormément des enseignants précaires sur les campus. Ayant…
Contract faculty appointments at Canadian universities Download 825.99 KB56 pages Canadian universities are relying heavily on precariously-employed faculty on campus. Once among the most secure professions…
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
Artwork by Karlene Harvey Kate McInturff came to work with us as a result of a very CCPA mashup of serendipity, optimism, and a leap…
Recently, CBC analyzed two years’ worth of financial statements for seven schools in the Halifax area to determine the degree to which fundraising was playing…
As if we needed more evidence of growing workforce precarity, the 2016 census recently pointed to the “broader shift from full-time, full-year employment to part-time,…
Ontario’s shifting college and university workforce Download 1.07 MB50 pages While post-secondary institutions are places of learning, they also employ thousands of people across a…
The recent minimum wage increase in Ontario has underscored business sector fear-mongering and mainstream media’s misreporting of the projected economic impacts.
Discussions about raising the minimum wage for workers often generate maximum rage from business. But is there any truth to the arguments and fear mongering?…
Apparently, it’s not just prospective homebuyers being priced out of the GTA. How many young families can easily come up with an extra $14,455 a…
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