Erika Shaker
Mass Historia: Exploring history, narrative, and citizenship in our classrooms The fall 2016 issue of OS/OS focuses on history: how it’s taught in classrooms across…
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Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
If anything’s become clear while watching the star-spangled spectacle unfold south of the border, it’s this: nature—in this case, human nature—abhors a vacuum.
Read the Summer 2016 issue of Our Schools/Our Selves
Project: Change If we are as passionate about justice as we are about our ideas, then we need to seriously invest in and support those…
Postes Canada semble faire marche arrière, du moins à court terme, quant à ses menaces de mettre en lock-out ses travailleuses et travailleurs et de…
In the short term at least, it appears that Canada Post has backpedalled on its threats to lock out workers and shut down the postal…
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
Community Watch? Surveillance, safety and control in Canadian Education This issue of Our Schools/Our Selves explores not only surveillance, but the ways in which control…
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
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