Jim Silver
The cumulative impact of decades of regressive tax cuts has created the severe social, economic, and environmental problems seen daily in Manitoba. Tax cuts are…
Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press September 3, 2024
What could lead people to say such things as, “I can physically, like on every level, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, feel myself changing and transforming,”…
It seemed for a moment as if adult basic education’s time had finally come. Premier Wab Kinew spoke publicly about its important role in moving…
Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press October 26, 2023
Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press May 1, 2023 Although recent media coverage of our healthcare and education problems here in Manitoba has been…
The Convoy that took over Ottawa for a month last year just met outside Winnipeg this past weekend. While the right to protest is an…
Don Sullivan was an environmentalist, best described as an ecosocialist, and a highly skilled political activist. He played a lead role in many environmental campaigns…
Manitoba is awash with problems. Many have been allowed to grow for decades. There is no quick fix. However, one part of a longer-term solution—and…
A Roadmap and Action Plan for Manitoba Download 665.17 KB 39 pages Uneath This Buried Treasure found that Adult Learning Centres and Adult Liteacy Programs…
When she was 34 years old and a single mother of four living on social assistance in a large public housing complex in Winnipeg’s North End, Aja Oliver saw a sign at a community centre for an Adult Learning Centre. She had not finished high school, had struggled, as did everyone in her family, with the many complexities of life in poverty, and was fed up with being on social assistance. She ventured in. Her life has not been the same since.
Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press April 13, 2022
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