Jim Silver
Au cours des dernières décennies, nous avons observé une augmentation spectaculaire des inégalités de revenu, qui ont fait en sorte que les gains de la…
Reducing Canada’s income inequalities In recent decades we’ve seen a dramatic increase in income inequality, which has concentrated the gains from economic growth in the…
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) and the Winnipeg Free Press recently called on the Manitoba government to abandon a policy established in 1999…
La Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI) et le Winnipeg Free Press (WFP) ont demandé dernièrement au gouvernement manitobain de renoncer à la politique de 1999…
Lord Selkirk Park Recent events in Gilbert Park have cast Winnipeg’s North End public housing complexes in a negative light. An opposition politician has called…
The Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) is holding its annual convention in Brandon October 2 – 4, 2009. There are many important issues to be…
Violence and Street Gangs in Winnipeg’s Inner City Download 691.07 KB16 pages There is growing concern about the level of violence in Winnipeg’s North End.…
The Story of Ma Mawi Download 474.33 KB 2 pages
Cette année marque le vingt-cinquième anniversaire de l’un des organismes autochtones les plus innovateurs et fructueux de Winnipeg, le centre Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata. Celui-ci a été mis…
Why We Need Anti-Scab Legislation in Manitoba Download 293.66 KB4 pages
Practical Activism in a Complex Environment Download 1.13 MB40 pages
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