Jim Stanford
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. Canadians were justifiably outraged when Electro-Motive, owned by Caterpillar, threatened its London, Ont., workers with a 50 per cent pay…
Download 1.04 MB42 pages The City of Toronto is currently debating whether or not to privatize as many as 1000 municipal cleaning staff. This paper…
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This study finds that, despite claims to the contrary, the damage of the recession is still very much with Canadians and that the labour market…
Ever since the Occupy movement came to Canada – even before that, actually – there’s been an enormous myth propagated that Canadian banks did nothing…
Here is my commentary published in the Globe and Mail (web edition) on Sunday, regarding the wonderful Occupy Together events held in Toronto and almost 1000 other…
The Troubled Geometry of Tim Hudak’s “changebook” Download 431.22 KB15 pages This detailed statistical review of the 13 statistical graphs contained in the Conservative changebook…
A new CCPA study examines historical data on business investment and cash flow from 1961 through 2010, and, using econometric techniques, finds no evidence that lower taxes…
Business Profits, Taxes, and Investment in Canada: 1961 Through 2010 Download 955.26 KB38 pages This study examines historical data on business investment and cash flow…
Friday’s labour force survey numbers from Statistics Canada were another nail in the coffin of Canada’s fleeting, fragile economic “recovery.” On first glance, the data…
The Impact of EU-Canada Free Trade on the Real Economy Canada already has a large bilateral trade deficit with the EU—$15 billion in goods and…
Harper’s Buy American “cure” worse than the disease It’s a clear case of déja vu, all over again. Back in the 1980s, Brian Mulroney raised the…
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