Shannon Daub
The steady stream of bad news from Alberta’s oil patch is a potent reminder of the boom-and-bust nature of being a resource commodity exporter. It’s…
Download 1.34 MB17 pages BC’s provincial government recently released a “White Paper on Local Government Election Reform” and invited public comments about draft changes to…
We have been surprised, to say the least, at the lack of public discourse around health care during this election period. As a top-of-mind issue…
We have argued previously that British Columbians are open to tax increases, and that the province would be well advised to increase revenues so that…
Debates about taxes in BC can be as much a blood-sport as politics. But a major new opinion poll conducted by Environics Research (commissioned by…
Attachments Tax poll results by question
The BC government wants you to shut up during the next election. That’s the message that emerges when you read between the lines of its…
I — along with a whole lot of other British Columbians — have been stewing away about the abrupt end to the BC Rail trial,…
How BC’s third party election advertising rules missed the mark The idea that everyone should be able to speak freely and that citizens should have…
The Impact of BC’s New Third-Party Advertising Rules on Social Movement Groups Download Attachments: CCPA-BC_Chill_Effect_SUMMARY.pdf
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