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Manitoba is a province of economic growth and economic disparity. It is a province with low unemployment rates, diverse development, and incredible resource wealth. On…
VANCOUVER—BC must dramatically change how forestry is managed and governed if it hopes to reverse today’s troubling trends, says Bob Williams, who served as the…
The story of the industry’s decline and the case for regional management Download 3.69 MB36 pages This report finds that instead of environmental stewardship, BC…
There was a time when securing a good-paying forestry job in British Columbia was not just an option but an expectation for many.
OTTAWA – Pour la première fois de l’histoire, les 100 hauts dirigeants les mieux rémunérés du Canada ont gagné 209 fois plus que le travailleur…
Executive Pay in Canada Download 927.52 KB23 pages CLIQUEZ ICI POUR CONSULTER LE RAPPORT EN FRANCAIS The eleventh in an annual series, this year’s report…
OTTAWA — Une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd’hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) fait le point sur les villes au Canada où les…
Submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services of the Legislative Assembly of BC Download 2.05 MB 25 pages This submission to…
September 2017 Download 2.79 MB12 pages In this issue: New political terrain, new possibilities, and new challenges CCPA-BC’s 20th Anniversary Gala with Senator Murray Sinclair…
Sanctuary Cities Download 8.28 MB The Trudeau government has shone internationally on a progressive message of tolerance, openness, diversity and inclusive, sustainable economic growth. It…
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