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We dive into what the Green Party has promised ahead of the 44th Canadian election.
We dive into what the Liberal Party has promised ahead of the 44th Canadian election.
Only 6,600 families could receive the maximum $6,000 tax refund under the Conservative plan.
We dive into what the Conservative Party has promised ahead of the 44th Canadian election.
We dive into what the NDP has promised ahead of the 44th Canadian election.
If implemented, parent fees would drop by 50 per cent by 2022 and, ultimately, to $10-a-day by 2026.
In some cities parents could save over $10,000 annually, per child, by 2022 and almost $20,000, per child, by 2026: new CCPA analysis OTTAWA—Parents in…
With the announced intent to expand access, we must underline the need to build a universal system.
Download 846.49 KB48 pages Options for the Creation of an Affordable Licensed Child Care Program in Manitoba provides important data and analysis to create equity…
VANCOUVER — The BC government made some needed investments in its 2021 budget for COVID-19 recovery, but there is scarce new funding for major priorities like…
Federal Budget 2021 was expected to deliver between $70-100B in COVID-19 recovery funds. Does it deliver and will funds be allocated in meaningful ways? Our experts weigh in.
But pharmacare, tax reform and climate change remain in limbo OTTAWA—Today’s federal budget makes headway on long-neglected issues in the care economy, such as child…
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