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CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT Halifax—The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia released its annual Nova Scotia Alternative Budget today, a week in…
OTTAWA—The federal government missed a key opportunity to walk the walk and tackle income inequality in today’s federal budget, says Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’…
This year’s Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) was released on March 9. I was proud to be the primary author of its housing chapter. The first AFB…
Download 190.6 KB 13 pages During the 2015 federal election, the Liberals promised to establish a federal infrastructure bank to provide low-cost financing to municipalities.…
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. OTTAWA—Private financing of the proposed Canada Infrastructure Bank could double the cost of infrastructure projects, says a study released today…
Download 746.54 KB20 pages Au cours des 15 dernières années, les recettes provenant des frais de scolarité ont triple, la dette étudiante a grimpé de…
Download 713.39 KB 17 pages Over the past 15 years, revenue from student tuition has tripled, public student debt has ballooned (reaching $28 billion by…
The following remarks are excerpted from the 2017 Alternative Federal Budget press conference, featuring Kate McInturff, David Macdonald and Peter Bleyer (March 9th, Parliament Hill).
OTTAWA—The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is urging the federal government to table a budget that makes good on its promises to reduce income…
Talk is cheap. It’s time for the Liberal government to make good on its promises to reduce income inequality and drive inclusive growth. Canadians deserve…
Un centre de réflexion dévoile son plan pour réduire la pauvreté, créer des emplois et éliminer les échappatoires fiscales CLIQUEZ ICI POUR CONSULTER LE RAPPORT.…
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