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Splitting all income would worsen, not lessen inequality Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has made pension income divisible between spouses for tax purposes and has mused…
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A Comparison of High- and Low-Tax Countries Download 511.54 KB55 pages
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Canada is falling behind a number of OECD nations in a wide range of social and economic areas,…
For a politician, the only thing worse than having to use up political points cleaning up someone else’s mess, is cleaning up when the mess…
Suffering from fiscal whiplash? First the Harper government tells us the 2005/06 surplus is $13.2 billion. Then on the same day, it announces large spending…
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The fiscal imbalance is largely a problem imposed by the provinces on themselves through destructive tax competition Next week, the 13 premiers and territorial leaders…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA – Selon une étude rendue publique aujourd’hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA), la concurrence…
Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Balance in Canada Download 1.32 MB 57 pages Attachments Executive Summary — The Art of the Impossible: Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal…
Most Canadians, if asked, would probably view the issue of the “fiscal imbalance” as a good cure for insomnia. That’s too bad because it is…
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