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Bumpy Ride Fall 2022 Update #4: A new trend is emerging—women workers taking early retirement, especially in pandemic-affected industries.
Manitoba’s the Disability Support Act establishes a framework for providing financial assistance outside the Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) system to persons with prolonged and…
Recommendations to make indoor air safer in the COVID era Download 277.7 KB19 pages The unmitigated, seasonal, and repeated spread of COVID-19 is forecasting disaster…
Download 1.29 MB100 pages
If Doug Ford wants to make the case for more federal health funding, throwing away money is not the way to do it
Surgical centres engaged in unlawful extra-billing among those who benefited from government outsourcing READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. (Vancouver) Health authority contracts with for-profit surgical…
In this issue: Putting continuity in continuing care Nova Scotia’s homecare system needs more public funding and oversight Priorities that should have been reflected in the Nova…
The loss of abortion rights in the U.S. has spurned new debate here in Canada. In the Free Press op ed “A key question in…
Provincial underfunding of health care has consequences for all Ontarians
Submission to the House of Commons HUMA committee Download 192.12 KB13 pages The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the many ways in which inequality is baked…
Premier Heather Stefanson began her tenure with a promise to listen to Manitobans. Her predecessor, Brian Pallister, had become identified with the chaos in Manitoba’s…
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