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CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT The claim that health spending in Ontario is out of control has no factual basis, according to a…
Government has a revenue problem, not a spending problem: Alternative Budget READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. Winnipeg – Manitobans will lose public services they value…
Public debates over controversial biotechnologies often revolve around questions about who will control them and what values will guide their development. Because patent policies shape…
New CCPA report says program saves Pharmacare millions and should be retained CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver) The Canadian Centre for Policy…
BC’s Experience With the Reference Drug Program as a Model for Rational Policy Making Download 172.4 KB 23 pages
When the provincial government announced the sweeping income tax cuts last June, it promised British Columbians more money in our pockets. It sounded good on…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT Canadian government concessions to the big multinational pharmaceutical companies, including an extension of their monopoly on new drugs…
Heads the Industry Wins, Tails Canada Loses Download 140.16 KB
It is an old rule of persuasion: people are rarely receptive right away; you have to work at making them so. If you want to…
Canada could find itself in a very embarrassing position at the WTO meetings in Qatar this weekend. We could be one of just five countries…
Download 213.38 KB45 pages
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