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An innovative pilot evaluation People are food insecure when they do not have access to, or enough money to buy safe and nutritious food, preventing…
Income Risks for Retiring Canadians Download 1.26 MB26 pages Two recent and widely quoted studies strongly suggest that no major policy changes are needed to…
For families with school-aged children, summer is one of the most stressful and expensive times of the year as they scramble to find and pay…
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. Vancouver – A $10 a day child care program in BC would largely pay for itself through the considerable boost…
Financing the $10 a Day Plan Download 2.7 MB60 pages This study shows how BC can implement a $10 a day child care plan, either…
BC can solve the affordability crisis in child care with a $10 a day child care plan. This will save families thousands of dollars, stimulate…
Social service schemes announced this week by the Manitoba Progressive Conservatives to encourage private childcare and introduce Social Impact Bonds soften the ground towards privatization.…
Current patchwork, market-based approach is failing province and families CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT HALIFAX – Nova Scotia’s market-based, patchwork approach to Early…
CCPA-NS Submission to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Regulated Child Care Review Download 233.92 KB 10 pages On May 14, 2015, CCPA-NS…
Numerous studies have demonstrated that quality child care has a positive correlation with improved childhood outcomes, notably higher social and cognitive scores upon school entry,…
L’assaut juridique contre le système universel de soins de santé Download 779.35 KB 42 pages Dès Novembre 2015, la Cour suprême de Colombie-Britannique entendra une…
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