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New CCPA report says program saves Pharmacare millions and should be retained CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver) The Canadian Centre for Policy…
When the provincial government announced the sweeping income tax cuts last June, it promised British Columbians more money in our pockets. It sounded good on…
Budget shifts revenues from progressive income tax to regressive MSP and sales taxes Vancouver – “The government says it is giving us tough medicine for…
It is an old rule of persuasion: people are rarely receptive right away; you have to work at making them so. If you want to…
Almost 30 years into its mandate as British Columbia’s public auto insurer, ICBC has suddenly stopped singing its own praises. With clear signals from the…
BC’s economy has been hit hard in recent months by numerous events outside the province’s borders: the US trade actions on softwood lumber; a global…
(Vancouver) The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says that if the provincial government cuts Pharmacare, it will be a costly mistake for British Columbians. “The…
Panel forecasts based on hyper-conservative revenue assumptions CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (Vancouver) BC’s Fiscal Review Panel presented its report today. Upon reviewing…
So many questions, so few answers As far as I can figure it, our governments think Winnipeg is a city full of birds, who all…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA–Contrary to repeated assurances from the Minister of International Trade and other federal government officials that Canada’s health…
CLIQUEZ ICI POUR CONSULTER LE RAPPORT Ottawa — Les critiques du régime de retraite universel du Canada veulent nous faire peur. Voilà les accusations lancées…
Study CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Critics of Canada’s public pension system are engaging in scare tactics, a prominent pension expert charges. In…
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