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Emerging Challenges for BC’s Interlinked Water and Energy Resources Attachments From Stream to Steam: SUMMARY
Norway manages its oil wealth much better than Canada does Petroleum is a resource unlike any other. It is the world’s most strategically important and…
BC’s quest to substantially boost natural gas development seems like a real winner at first glance: heaps of new jobs in the Liquified Natural Gas…
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Download 593.1 KB12 pages
Tar sands bitumen spills harder and costlier to clean up It’s amazing to watch the lengths to which Enbridge and the oil industry will go…
Fall 2012, Volume 15, Number 3 Download 1.13 MB8 pages Inside this issue: Better seniors care a solution to overcrowded hospitals and surgery wait times…
Disastrous spills keep bursting from overstressed pipelines It’s always pathetic to watch otherwise intelligent people being played like a violin by the oil and gas…
In 2009, British Gas, a leader in the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade, submitted a voluminous environmental assessment report for a massive new gas…
Premier Clark’s recent decision to cap the BC Hydro rate increases next year may have ratepayers breathing a sigh of relief. But it’s a short…
(Vancouver) A new study warns that mining, oil and gas corporations are putting increasingly large demands on BC’s hydroelectricity system – essentially using clean energy…
Meeting our energy needs in a zero-carbon future Download 3.58 MB42 pages Update, July 18, 2012: The day after we released this study, the provincial…
Download 324.38 KB15 pages As of mid-June 2012, only 2 nuclear reactors in all of Japan were operational. The remaining 52 nuclear reactors in the…
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