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In the fight against climate change, few natural assets are as important as forests. Healthy living trees store enormous amounts of atmospheric carbon. The same is…
BC’s modest tree-planting goals are falling far short of the need Few events offer as compelling an example of what climate change may mean for…
Our disappearing birds Almost every source of data, from the volunteer-based Breeding Bird Survey to university-lead research, as well as broad-based summary documents such as…
Carbon Storage, Sustainable Jobs and Conservation Download 1.68 MB61 pages Attachments Managing BC’s Forests for a Cooler Planet SUMMARY
https://vimeo.com/8623368 Mountain pine beetle attacks have decimated BC’s pine forests, seriously damaging their ability to store carbon and protect against global warming. An effective response…
Reforming Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry Download 2.74 MB 36 pages Canada’s oil and gas industry creates significant environmental, social, and political problems for Canadians.…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT EDMONTON—Canada’s inability to play a leadership role at international climate change is just one of many negative consequences…
New, dirty gas drilling method threatens drinking water A technology used by the oil and gas industry to obtain natural gas is raising major concerns…
Divided We Stand, United We Fall: Challenging how we think about environmental education In the lead-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in…
The vast majority of Canada’s low-income families live in older houses, with inadequate insulation in attics, walls and basements. While these houses may offer cheaper-than-average…
We’d be prouder if our country lived up to its potential Canadians generally are not as wildly and uncritically patriotic as Americans. We are not…
Download 29.95 KB 192 pages This text will give the reader some understanding of the complexities of standardized testing and performance assessment in education –…
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