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Algonquins and settler allies block proposed uranium mining A mining exploration company’s government-supported attempt to drill for uranium on First Nations land is finally beginning…
What do a Canadian province and a Scandinavian country have in common? It’s oil, of course. Both have vast deposits of the stuff. Both have…
European Union leading the way in eco-friendly economics The ancient Chinese believed that a cosmic force, the Will of Heaven, controlled the rise and fall…
In an era where taxes have been demonized, BC’s green 2008 budget is newsworthy for its introduction of a new tax on greenhouse gas emissions.…
Meeting BC’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets with Fairness and Equity Download 1.19 MB49 pages
Planet Earth can be saved. Susan George tells us how. Over the past four or five years, as the CCPA’s senior editor, I’ve probably read…
Pursuit of power and profit threatens the biosphere Over the years, the pursuit of power by politicians and of profit by industrialists has led to…
Winter 2008, Volume 11, Number 1 Download 543.79 KB8 pages Inside this issue: BC’s Climate Change Strategy and the Fossil Fuel Industry TILMA: A Major…
Prime Minister Harper is a very intelligent man, but there are some things that he just can’t understand. Or, more accurately, won’t understand. Harper’s most…
Cutting Through the Neoliberal Bafflegab Download 153.84 KB316 pages For the past 14 years, as editor of The CCPA Monitor, the monthly journal of the…
Premier Gordon Campbell has positioned BC as a global leader on climate change. From handshakes with Al Gore and Arnold Schwarzenegger to an ambitious plan…
Anyone who has paid attention knows that things are wrong, horribly wrong, with what was once the dominant industry on Vancouver Island and indeed coastal…
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