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Environmental crisis calls for World-War-II-type collaboration As people become ever-more aware of climate change and ecological crisis, they are worried, anxious, and looking for solutions.…
The George Morris Center Final Report To Manitoba’s Clean Environment Commission Download 28.23 KB 2 pages
It took intense pressure and heat over millions of years to turn buried plant and animal life into the natural gas that energy companies now…
The “Big idea” that Canada can generously share its water the same way it now shares energy on a continental scale is generally based on…
Ethanol may ease farm crisis, but wind power more feasible Hopes are being pinned on bio-fuels as a way out of the agriculture crisis. Ethanol…
Regulating BC’s Oil and Gas Industry as if the Environment Mattered Download 643.35 KB38 pages Attachments SUMMARY: Foot Off the Gas: Regulating BC’s Oil and…
For several years, BC has been hooked on revenues from the fossil fuel industry. Skyrocketing royalty payments to the province from companies pulling oil and…
Fall 2007, Volume 10, Number 3 Download 1.04 MB8 pages Inside this issue: The Clock is Ticking on Homelessness and the Olympics Weighing in on…
Political leadership needed to forge environmental New Deal In his otherwise excellent report, The Economics of Climate Change, Britain’s Sir Nicolas Stern states that climate…
Renowned Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki speaks about the environment, the economy, climate change and our future at a benefit event for the Canadian Centre for…
An exposé of the bottled water industry Inside the Bottle provides a vivid and disturbing portrayal of how four big companies – Nestlé, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola…
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