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Why do we ignore scientists’ warnings of ecological disaster? On the front page of one its issues last fall, Maclean’s displayed the visage of Canada’s…
Download 645.58 KB 3 pages CCPA-BC Director Seth Klein submitted the attached to Mr. Jim Snetsinger, who is leading a consultation on area-based forest tenures…
Learn more about this series by visiting goodlifegreenlife.ca.
A new cold war in the warming arctic? As the crisis in Ukraine continues to unfold, there is increasing concern that a new Cold War…
Traumas and broken trust in the wake of industrial disaster BOOK REVIEW The Ocean Ranger: Remaking the Promise of Oil, by Susan Dodd. Fernwood Publishers,…
There is now scientific and political agreement that 21st century temperature rises must be kept between 1.5O to 2OC in order to avert full-scale climate…
Oil by rail to Churchill not worth the risk For visitors from around the world, the opportunity to see polar bears and beluga whales in…
Some winter we’re having, eh? This winter has been cold, no doubt about it. It is probably the coldest we’ve seen in North America since…
Spring 2014, Volume 17, Number 2 Download 1.62 MB8 pages Inside this issue: BC Jobs Plan reality check: The first two years by Iglika Ivanova Legal…
Oil drives our commerce, but could drive us to extinction “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river…
One glaring problem with the provincial government’s strategy to turn British Columbia into a liquefied natural gas exporting juggernaut is that it scuttles any chance…
Ruinous drive for power and control primarily masculine The poster publicizing David Suzuki’s 1985 television series A Planet for the Taking stated: “We have long…
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