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If the 492 Tamil asylum-seekers who recently arrived by boat on BC’s shores are “queue-jumpers”, then I guess my parents were too. They came as…
Download 318.18 KB 7 pages Every recession ushers in a rising tide of poverty. As jobless and underemployed people struggle to make ends meet, the…
Couchiching Summer Conference 2010: Watershed Moment or Wasted Opportunity? Speech to the Couchiching 2010 Summer Conference Watershed Moment or Wasted Opportunity, a 3 day conference…
Help First, Not Work First Download 624.71 KB 28 pages Welfare “reform” in BC has made it more difficult to qualify for welfare, and many…
Two years ago, most Canadians were enjoying the peak of a 10-year economic growth phase that helped rank Canada among the 10 biggest economies on…
The recent unilateral decision by the federal government to spend up to $16 billion on the purchase and maintenance of new fighter jets is both…
During the G20 ministerial meetings in Toronto, the sensational images of burning police cruiser cars and broken shop windows dominated the newspaper headlines. This is…
Campaigns, coalitions aim to democratize media system Faced with a corporate-dominated mediascape and perceived editorial indifference or hostility, trade unions and other progressive Canadian organizations…
There’s still good reason not to become a pessimist You may have missed the news about a recent study by the Mayo Clinic on optimism…
Three weeks ago, a 19-year-old from Winnipeg’s inner city shot two teenagers. Our city government’s response was to send in more police officers. But incarceration…
It now seems a certainty that we will soon have our very own “Fox News North” cable channel as Quebecor is poised to launch “SUN…
New income data suggests troubling poverty trends are unfolding in Canada Every recession ushers in a rising tide of poverty. As jobless and underemployed people…
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