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La rémunération des PDG au Canada Download 335.61 KB 13 pages En 2017 les 100 PDG les mieux rémunérés au Canada ont touché 197 fois plus que…
The right to the city comes out of critical theory, a branch of intellectual thought originating in the early 20th century at the University of Frankfurt.…
The Right to the City Download 7.27 MB Ten years ago the political geographer David Harvey wrote, “The freedom to make and remake our cities…
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READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. VANCOUVER—A new study finds that BC’s news media frequently reinforce the assumption that there is an inevitable trade-off between environmental…
Mainstream and alternative media coverage of pipeline controversies Download 3.49 MB44 pages Much of the argument advanced in support of expanding Canada’s fossil fuel production centres…
The news media play a strong role in shaping how many Canadians understand issues like climate change—and the tensions between the fossil fuel industry and…
“Fossil fuel proponents often claim their support for the industry is connected to the needs and interests of energy workers—and our news media repeat and…
Access to and Affordability of Milk in Northern Manitoba Download 1.48 MB20 pages This study finds milk is significantly costlier in First Nations communities than…
Ontario’s Colour-coded Labour Market Download 656.56 KB 23 pages Ontario’s labour market shows stubborn patterns of employment and income inequality along racial and gender lines. This…
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