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I’ve got my pussyhat. I’m ready to march. To strike. To get to work. Or I could stay home. And watch Netflix. What would happen…
A gender-based analysis of the homelessness crisis in Winnipeg Download 780.67 KB46 pages This winter, a 53 year-old woman died overnight in minus 32-degree temperatures,…
This winter, a 53 year-old woman died overnight in minus 32-degree temperatures, frozen to death on the streets of downtown Winnipeg. This tragic and preventable…
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An estimated 3.2 million people turned out for Women’s Marches around the world on Saturday. The sea of protesters had barely arrived on the Washington…
Full audio Slides Download the slides (PDF) Event photos —Learn more about the 2016 Gideon Rosenbluth Memorial Lecture with Pierre Fortin
Canada has a gender gap. When it comes to pay, jobs, and safety, men and women still don’t get equal treatment in this country. Our latest…
The Gender Gap in Canada’s 25 Biggest Cities Download 1.53 MB78 pages This annual study provides a snapshot of the gaps in men and women’s…
OTTAWA—A new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) updates the list of the best and worst cities to be a woman in…
First published on CCPA’s Behind the Numbers Anywhere between 30,000 and 200,000 people are homeless in Canada, with another 1.7 million unable to afford adequate,…
Recently tipping in the restaurant industry has been the subject of two national opinion polls, both of which suggest the public is divided on the…
The 2016-2017 Newfoundland and Labrador Budget’s Impacts on Women Download 683.19 KB34 pages This study finds that the 2016-17 Newfoundland and Labrador budget will worsen…
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