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Report says EDC is putting people and the environment at risk The Canadian government’s Export Development Corporation (EDC) is assisting eight environmentally and socially disastrous…
An Act To Combat Terrorism Download 38.1 KB
Mineral-rich Congo ravaged by genocide and Western plunder “I’m interested in land not [black people].” — Cecil Rhodes Rarely has Western savagery been more destructive…
A Report on Female Gang Association in Winnipeg Download 153.52 KB25 pages
Forced labour and pollution rampant at Canadian-owned mine According to a recent report, Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., a Canadian company owned by Robert Friedland, is “raping…
The Social Locations, Gender Dynamics, and Patterns of Violent Crime in Winnipeg Download 125.14 KB 27 pages
Canadian firms in Colombia protected by military death squads Since 1990, 35,000 Colombians have been killed in a horrific escalation of political violence. An average…
Canadian military exports to Indonesia, 1979-1999 As the Indonesian army and its militias set fire to Dili and killed thousands of East Timorese in September…
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We used to hear a lot about the feminization of poverty. It hasn’t been in the news much lately. Yet women remain among the poorest…
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