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READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. OTTAWA—Indigenous children in Canada are over two and a half times more likely to live in poverty than non-Indigenous children,…
lire l’etude ici. OTTAWA – Les enfants autochtones du Canada sont deux fois et demie plus susceptibles de vivre dans la pauvreté que les enfants non…
From bad to worse: our infographic reveals Indigenous and non-Indigenous child poverty rates across Canada, based on our study Poverty or Prosperity: Indigenous children in…
On October 13th, 2012, CCPA’s Manitoba Office facilitated an intergenerational learning and youth exchange at Thunderbird House in Winnipeg. In attendance were four elders and…
First Nations honoured treaties, Canadian governments didn’t The immediate impact of the “Idle No More” protests has been, if nothing else, a rare, sustained focus…
It wasn’t so long ago that the British Columbia government was investing lots of political capital in striking a more productive “new relationship” with First…
We should join the First Nations in becoming “idle no more” The day after Stephen Harper finally agreed (Jan. 4, 2013) to meet with First…
How Canada’s Employment Insurance system undermines inner-city and Aboriginal workers. The EI system allows workers to pay into a plan that is supposed to provide…
First Nations: The Long Shadow of Assimilation Hennessy’s Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA’s Trish Hennessy, about Canada and its place…
Media coverage of the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry has been quite thorough and often insightful. However, the bulk of the media coverage is missing the defining…
Download 1.61 MB46 pages Northern Manitoba is the area defined within the four Statistics Canada census divisons: number 19, 21, 22 and 23. It is…
A Change is Gonna Come Pluralism in the Arts in Canada: A Change is Gonna Come captures some of the dialogue happening around critical diversity,…
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