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Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press September 11
This is a cautionary story of what might happen if we return to the bad old days of the RCMP Security Service, which was caught…
When Canada negotiated with the U.S. for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), Canada insisted on a cultural exemption—language in the agreement which allowed Canada…
Read the news release here.
As the Winnipeg Free Press reported on June 27, 2023, the Manitoba government has recently earmarked $3.4 million to add 19 Crown prosecutors and six…
Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press March 30, 2023 In “A Tale of Two Sentences” (March 18, 2023 Winnipeg Free Press) Dean Pritchard reports…
Hatred unmasked: Tracking the rise of right-wing extremism in Canada Download 4.99 MB Issue highlights: The wellness-to-white-supremacy pipeline is alive and well. Stacy Lee Kong’s examines…
Media Democracy and Combatting Misinformation Download 2.9 MB “Canada is no stranger to dynastic ownership of its media companies,” writes Robin Shaban in her feature…
On his first day in office, US president Joe Biden revoked the permit for the controversial Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline. The partially built project was…
VANCOUVER — The 150th anniversary of British Columbia joining Canada arrives at a time when people and institutions are being asked to reckon with the…
Download 2.19 MB12 pages In this issue: Canadian billionaires’ wealth skyrocketing amid the panedmic Healthy forests for a cooler future What federal leadership on long-term…
A broader vision of public health Download 3.87 MB “If we learn anything from COVID-19,” write Lindsay McLaren and Trish Hennessy in their cover feature…
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