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CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Eighty-six percent of Canadian families would gain no benefit from the proposed Conservative income splitting plan, says a…
Inequality by Design Download 613.43 KB26 pages This study examines the cost and the distributional impact of three income splitting scenarios: pension income splitting; income…
Safe and secure housing is a cornerstone of overall health and well-being. The housing affordability crisis in BC is common knowledge, but less well known…
Download 409.21 KB14 pages Once again, here are the updated housing statistics for Winnipeg and Manitoba. CCPA-Manitoba compiles an annual update of housing data from…
Across Canada, housing prices slowed down in 2013, but in Manitoba, there are no signs of the housing crunch abating. Last month, the average house…
CEO Pay in Canada Download 683.54 KB14 pages Five years after a global recession knocked the wind out of Canada’s labour market, throwing tens of…
Out with the Old: Words primed for retirement in 2014 Hennessy’s Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA’s Trish Hennessy, about…
CEO Pay in Canada For Canada’s 100 highest paid CEOs, the rewards start clocking in very early into the New Year. The infographic below highlights some…
OTTAWA—Just after lunch on the first official work day of the year, Canada’s highest paid CEOs pocket what would take most Canadians all of 2014…
Les PDG du Canada célèbrent l’arrivée du Nouvel An avec éclat. Tout juste après la pause du dîner de la première journée de travail officielle de…
La rémunération des PDG au Canada Download 306.29 KB16 pages Cinq ans après la récession mondiale qui a déstabilisé le marché du travail canadien en…
State of the Inner City Report 2013 What do young people think of inner-city Winnipeg? Sixteen youth from two community-based organizations have been trained as…
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