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Stephen Harper’s Conservative government shut down Parliament until March, mainly to avoid answering politically embarrassing questions about the torture of Canadian military detainees in Afghanistan.…
Last summer, Gabrielle Giroday wrote an article for the Winnipeg Free Press called “Stores can’t stop carts vanishing: Shoppers wheeling thousands away.” This article raised…
I recently finished my Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Winnipeg in Politics and International Development Studies, which included a practicum placement with…
Analyzing the Great Recession Download 347.83 KB 8 pages Canada’s Employment Insurance system is failing the recession “stress test” and many unemployed workers are falling…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—Canada’s Employment Insurance system is failing the “stress test” of the recession and fixing it must be a…
On January 26, the HRM Council will again address municipal tax reform proposals. But the proposals are merely piece-meal changes. We need to ask and…
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) and the Winnipeg Free Press recently called on the Manitoba government to abandon a policy established in 1999…
Recession and Canada’s 100 Highest Paid CEOs Download 427.44 KB17 pages Canadians may have been hit hard by a worldwide economic recession, but it appears…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT TORONTO—Canadians may have been hit hard by a worldwide economic recession, but it appears Canada’s 100 highest paid…
“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” —Martin Luther King Jr.…
The State of the Inner City Report 2009 For the past five years, CCPA Manitoba has conducted inner-city research in collaboration with community-based organizations. The…
It takes all day to be poor Download 2.46 MB51 pages “What most people just don’t get,” she stated, “is that it takes all day…
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