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Climate Justice, Green Jobs and Sustainable Production in Canada Download 1.64 MB64 pages To fight against catastrophic climate change, Canada needs to reduce greenhouse gas…
Employers still allowed to mistreat, underpay foreign “help” The Harper government’s April 26 announcement of yet another change to the deeply flawed Temporary Foreign Worker…
Hennessy’s Index: A number is never just a number Hennessy’s Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA’s Trish Hennessy, about Canada…
Government Estimates of Job Losses Download 237.89 KB5 pages This report analyzes data from the government’s 2012-13 Reports on Plans and Priorities (RPP), as well…
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT OTTAWA—The total number of federal core public service job losses over the next three years will be 29,600—far…
Lack of fair labour reporting fuels the anti-union attacks Journalism was always the career I wanted, almost from the time I learned to read and…
Pension pie shrinks while bosses, unions fight over it The grand debate between defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) models has dominated the pension…
Making Paid Work Meet Basic Family Needs in Metro Vancouver Download 1.33 MB8 pages Please note: The updated 2019 Living Wage report is now available. Attachments Living Wage…
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. From the Living Wage for Families Campaign VANCOUVER – For families with young children, the costs of basic necessities like…
Unions are society’s builders, not strike-happy wreckers Given a word-association test, the response of most Canadians to the word “union” would be “strikes.” How else…
As more and more raw, unprocessed logs leave British Columbia’s coast in ocean freighters bound for the far side of the world, a common refrain…
The Economic Costs and Benefits of the Proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline Download 1.9 MB28 pages Attachments Enbridge Pipe Dreams and Nightmares — SUMMARY
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