The question isn’t whether to implement Kyoto, it’s how READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. (Vancouver) Dale Marshall, resource and environmental policy analyst with the Canadian…
Kyoto naysayers are predicting gloom and doom if the Chretien government goes through with ratification. They’re wrong. The question is not whether we should ratify…
“Clean energy” credits not necessary READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. (Vancouver) The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) says a federal government discussion paper on…
Kyoto can be met without sacrificing jobs The national debate on ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on climate change has become embroiled in conflict over the…
Energy union backs action on climate change CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL REPORT (OTTAWA) The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) has released a…
This report investigates the potential to scale up a deep energy retrofit (DER) industry in Manitoba to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create good jobs, spur…
Download 2.19 MB12 pages In this issue: Canadian billionaires’ wealth skyrocketing amid the panedmic Healthy forests for a cooler future What federal leadership on long-term…