Going Somewhere? A New Direction for Public Education in Ontario
The looming Ontario election means that, once again, education will be a key topic of discussion. This issue of Our Schools/Our Selves focuses on a number of key issues that education workers, parents, students and public education advocates are confronting in schools and communities, and offers on-the-ground commentary and analysis of what needs to be done for us to get this process right. It also provides updates from other jurisdictions grappling with the restructuring—or its aftermath—of education.
Our Schools/Our Selves Winter 2018: Full Issue
Getting Back on Course: Erika Shaker
What Does the New BC Government Have in Store for Public Schools? Patti Bacchus
Not a Platitude on a Placard: Seth Bernstein
Recommitting to Public Education in Alberta: Carolyn Blasetti and Barbara Silva
The Consequences of a Neoliberal Funding Formula: Dan Crow
How ‘Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet’ Shape Educational ‘Reinvention’: Benjamin Doxtdator
What School Did You Go To? Matthew Green
Setting a Higher Bar for Ontario Colleges: JP Hornick
Correcting Course: Hugh Mackenzie
“We Built a Life From Nothing”: Sheelah McLean
« Nous sommes partis de rien » : Sheelah McLean
Mismatch: Special Education Learners and EQAO: Laurie Menard
There are no Shortcuts to Quality Special Education: Elizabeth Mitchell and Thomas Widstrand
Helping Neighbourhoods Walk to School: Civicplan