Hennessy’s Index: A number is never just a number

Hennessy's Index

Hennessy’s Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA’s Trish Hennessy, about Canada and its place in the world. Scroll down for a PDF version.  For other months, visit: http://policyalternatives.ca/index

  • 1.4 million

    Number of Canadians officially unemployed in January 2011. (Source)
  • 1.2 million

    Population size of the nation’s capital, Ottawa. (Source)
  • 14.4%

    Canada’s youth unemployment rate in January 2011 (age 15-24); nearly twice the national average. (Source)
  • Sidelined

    Canada still has 335,800 more unemployed individuals than before the beginning of the recession. (Source)
  • One out of 5

    Number of jobless Canadians who were unemployed for more than six months in January 2011; was one in 10 in January 2008. (Source)
  • 867,948

    Number of Canadians who used food banks in March 2010; record high. (Source)
  • 90,000

    Number of jobs Canadians could lose if government yanks stimulus funds in 2011/12. (Source: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Alternative Federal Budget 2011 forthcoming)
  • $7 billion

    How much more, per year, the Harper government has budgeted for the Department of Defence since it came to power; a 47% increase. (Source: Fiscal Reference Tables and Budget 2010)
  • $5 billion

    Estimated new additional annual costs of running provincial and federal jails by 2015/16 due to the latest Harper government crime law. (Source)
  • $220 billion

    Total cost of Harper government tax cuts between 2006 and 2013/14. (Source)
  • $14 billion

    Yearly cost of Harper government corporate tax cuts by 2013/14. (Source 1 and Source 2)
  • $11.5 billion

    Predicted federal fiscal deficit in 2013/14. (Source)


Hennessy’s Index (March 2011: Security/Insecurity)