Canada and Ecuador are currently engaged in Free Trade Agreement negotiations slated for completion by 2025, with a clear emphasis on safeguarding Canadian mining investments in Ecuador. However, crucial voices, particularly those of Ecuadorian organizations and communities affected by Canadian oil and mining endeavors, are notably absent from the discussion. The potential agreement risks exacerbating the lack of consultation around its terms, and the inclusion of an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause poses a significant threat as it would prioritize the interests of transnational corporations over those of communities and the environment, underscoring the delicate balance between investor protections and the rights of communities and nature.

The CCPA, Amnesty International, and MiningWatch Canada are hosting a bilingual webinar with simultaneous interpretation on April 4th, 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Register here.

For a deeper dive, read Stuart Trew’s Monitor artice on this trade deal here.