A Community Development Vision For Sherbrook Pool

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This paper examines the benefits of recreation for communities, with a specific focus on the benefits to, and barriers faced by marginalized and low-income communities. An extensive review of the available literature reveals that recreation produces enormous benefits for individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Low-income and marginalized communities often benefit the most from recreation, yet also face the most extensive barriers to participation.

In the context of this research, this paper examines the role of Sherbrook Pool and how the Pool can provide the known benefits of recreation to the West Central community, as well as tackle some of the known barriers to participation and access. The paper examines some of the benefits of Sherbrook Pool relative to other City of Winnipeg pools, and the ways in which it can provide a holistic range of services not simply through its role as a swimming pool, but as an integral part of the community. 


Manitoba Office


Manitoba Research Alliance


Children and youth
Health, health care system, pharmacare
Inequality and poverty
Municipalities and urban development

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