Living Wages in the Maritimes 2018

489.61 KB 16 pages

This report provides updated living wage calculations for families living in Atlantic Canada.

Covering the costs to raise a family in the Maritimes requires two adults to be working full-time earning a living wage of $19 an hour in Halifax, $18.18 in Saint John and $17.75 in Antigonish.

Since 2016, the living wage rate in Halifax decreased very slightly from $19.17, increased slightly in Antigonish from $17.30. The wages did not change very much because of the full year inclusion of the Canada Child Benefit and its indexation to inflation, which covered all or most of the expense increases.


Antigonish LW FINAL 2018.xlsx
Halifax LW FINAL 2018.xlsx
SJ Living Wage FINAL 2018.xlsx


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