News Releases
Halifax, NS—Now is the time to have serious discussions about what kind of community Halifax residents want for themselves and their neighbours. That's why the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives...
August 28, 2012 |
Nova Scotia Office (Vancouver) BC seniors face continued reductions in access to key home and community care services, with serious consequences for hospital overcrowding and wait times. That’s the central finding of a...
July 11, 2012 |
BC Office OTTAWA—Canada is not immune to the banking problems we see abroad, cautions “No More Swimming Naked”, a report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).
Like all banks...
June 20, 2012 |
National Office (Vancouver) A new study warns that mining, oil and gas corporations are putting increasingly large demands on BC’s hydroelectricity system – essentially using clean energy to power industries that...
June 20, 2012 |
BC Office OTTAWA – A new report, released by the Rideau Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, calls on the government to replace the Canadian Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue (FWSAR) fleet in...
June 19, 2012 |
National Office Halifax, NS – Nova Scotia Power Inc. has many people angry and galvanized, looking for alternatives. Their anger is fuelled by the seeming contradiction of a private company owning a public resource...
June 14, 2012 |
Nova Scotia Office OTTAWA—Accelerated oil and gas extraction will boost profits but won't drive major employment gains, says a report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). Instead,...
June 12, 2012 |
National Office HALIFAX –– An examination of income inequality in North America reveals that Mexico is the only part of the continent where the middle class has been gaining from growth, according to a study...
May 22, 2012 |
National Office OTTAWA—The total number of federal core public service job losses over the next three years will be 29,600—far more than the 19,200 estimate that is now commonly cited, says a new analysis by the...
May 17, 2012 |
National Office OTTAWA—A study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) estimates the previously secret extent of extraordinary support required by Canada’s banks during the financial...
April 30, 2012 |
National Office OTTAWA – Dans une étude dévoilée aujourd’hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA), les auteurs calculent l’ampleur auparavant secrète de l’aide extraordinaire dont les banques du...
April 30, 2012 |
National Office From the Living Wage for Families Campaign
(Vancouver) For families with young children, the costs of basic necessities like food, rent and child care quickly add up. Even with full-time work year...
April 26, 2012 |
BC Office Halifax, NS – Tomorrow, when the government releases their budget, there will be a lot of talk about getting “Back to Balance” as the provincial government makes deficit reduction its priority. To...
April 2, 2012 |
Nova Scotia Office OTTAWA—All Canadians will pay the price for a federal budget that will result in significant job losses, weaker environmental protection, and unnecessary cuts to cherished public services, says the...
March 29, 2012 |
National Office HALIFAX – The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Nova Scotia released its 2012 alternative provincial budget today. In contrast to the Nova Scotia government’s 'back-to-balance' plan of across...
March 22, 2012 |
Nova Scotia Office