News Releases
(Halifax) A report released by the CCPA today finds that Canadian ports need to take a sober and realistic look at their expectations of the cruise industry. The study finds that, in their rush to...
September 25, 2003 |
BC Office, Nova Scotia Office OTTAWA--Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), while promoted as an innovative approach to the provision of public goods and services, are playing a damaging role in Ontario's universities, according to...
September 24, 2003 |
National Office, Ontario Office OTTAWA--The draft text of the World Trade Organization's declaration submitted to the upcoming "Ministerial" session in Cancun, Mexico, is heavily biased to the priorities and interests of the...
September 11, 2003 |
National Office OTTAWA--A new study warns that a WTO agreement on competition policy could have a number of negative consequences. It recommends that WTO Ministers reject a proposal to negotiate competition policy...
August 29, 2003 |
National Office, BC Office HALIFAX - According to a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives the Hamm government's 10% income tax cut will increase the economic inequality between Halifax and the...
July 31, 2003 |
Nova Scotia Office HALIFAX - According to a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives the Nova Scotia provincial income tax cut for 2004 will provide minimal, if any, benefit to middle and low...
July 25, 2003 |
Nova Scotia Office Vancouver--A new economic study shows that industrial salmon aquaculture will deliver no or few new jobs in BC, even if the industry doubles in size. What's more, the industry produces relatively few...
July 17, 2003 |
BC Office (Vancouver) The announcement earlier this week by the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) that it intends to increase optional insurance premiums for young and old drivers, and for those living in...
July 4, 2003 |
BC Office OTTAWA--The "Big Idea"--a bargain that would see Canada giving the U.S. a strong North American security perimeter and greater access to our energy resources in return for supposedly secure access to...
June 26, 2003 |
National Office Adult Learning Centres, which began to emerge in an unplanned way seven years ago, have become a powerful and effective new approach to education in Manitoba, particularly as regards Aboriginal...
June 25, 2003 |
Manitoba Office OTTAWA--A new study jointly released by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) and the Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) has concluded that government support for non-profit...
June 16, 2003 |
National Office OTTAWA--The issue of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for pharmaceuticals has returned to the agenda partly as a result of the Romanow Report but also because drug companies are pushing for...
June 9, 2003 |
National Office (Vancouver) BC's provincial government received a warning today from researchers who say its package of new welfare rules is radical and unprecedented, and will cause unacceptable hardship and...
June 9, 2003 |
BC Office EDMONTON--Ten years after the government of Alberta privatized the province's liquor retailing industry, the decision has proved to be a serious policy mistake. That's the conclusion of a study...
June 4, 2003 |
National Office, BC Office Winnipeg - The state of Manitoba's public services has improved slightly since they were gutted in the mid-1990s. But the recovery has been uneven, and it is threatened by the prospect of additional...
May 28, 2003 |
Manitoba Office