News Releases
March 19, 2018
HALIFAX—The Nova Scotia Alternative Budget 2018, released by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia today, is a blueprint of a budget for the people. The report lays...
March 19, 2018 |
Nova Scotia Office OTTAWA—Today’s federal budget takes positive steps forward on gender equality and science funding but the bold policy moves that will make a real difference for Canadians —child care, pharmacare,...
February 27, 2018 |
National Office OTTAWA — Le Budget fédéral alternatif (BFA) de 2018, publié aujourd’hui par le Centre canadien des politiques alternatives (CCPA), trace un itinéraire du chemin à parcourir jusqu’à la veille des...
February 22, 2018 |
National Office OTTAWA—The 2018 Alternative Federal Budget (AFB), released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), delivers a roadmap to where the country could be on the eve of the next federal...
February 22, 2018 |
National Office VICTORIA—Significant investments in child care and affordable housing in today’s budget will greatly improve the lives of hundreds of thousands British Columbians as will progressive tax reform, says...
February 20, 2018 |
BC Office OTTAWA — Precarious employment is on the rise in Ontario’s post-secondary sector, a new study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has found. The report examines the prevalence of...
February 6, 2018 |
National Office OTTAWA—Communities across Canada need a national strategy to ensure the move to a zero-carbon economy leaves no one behind, according to a new report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (...
January 25, 2018 |
National Office VANCOUVER—BC must dramatically change how forestry is managed and governed if it hopes to reverse today’s troubling trends, says Bob Williams, who served as the province’s forest minister in the...
January 22, 2018 |
BC Office OTTAWA – The federal government has spent more than $95 million in unrecoverable legal fees defending the ballooning number of investor-state lawsuits filed against Canada under NAFTA’s controversial...
January 16, 2018 |
National Office OTTAWA – For the first time, Canada’s 100 highest paid CEOs netted 209 times more than the average worker made in 2016, according to a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (...
January 2, 2018 |
National Office OTTAWA - Pour la première fois de l'histoire, les 100 hauts dirigeants les mieux rémunérés du Canada ont gagné 209 fois plus que le travailleur moyen en 2016, révèle un nouveau rapport du Centre...
January 2, 2018 |
National Office VANCOUVER—BC’s Oil and Gas Commission withheld a report from the public for four years showing that 900 gas wells could be leaking methane—a finding that highlights why a public inquiry into oil and...
December 14, 2017 |
BC Office HALIFAX — 13,690 children, almost one in five, were living in poverty in Halifax in 2015, according to a new fact sheet released on child and family poverty within the Halifax Regional Municipality (...
December 13, 2017 |
Nova Scotia Office OTTAWA—A new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) updates the most and least expensive cities for child care in Canada. Fees have risen faster than inflation in...
December 12, 2017 |
National Office OTTAWA — Une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd'hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) fait le point sur les villes au Canada où les services de garde d'enfants sont les plus chers...
December 11, 2017 |
National Office