News Releases
OTTAWA--"Calls for more openness and public input into communications policy in Canada are falling on deaf ears," say Marita Moll and Leslie Regan Shade, editors of E-commerce vs. E-commons;...
January 18, 2001 |
National Office Ottawa---A patchwork quilt of provincial policies is creating massive imbalances in educational opportunity across Canada, according to an annual report released today by the Canadian Centre for...
January 10, 2001 |
National Office Ottawa – Selon un rapport annuel publié aujourd’hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA), la mosaïque des politiques provinciales crée un énorme déséquilibre des possibilités d’...
January 10, 2001 |
National Office (Vancouver) Addressing inequality in BC should be the top priority for the 2001 Budget, the CCPA will tell the BC Legislature's Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services at 4:45pm...
November 22, 2000 |
BC Office OTTAWA—Le système de santé de l’Ontario est menacé par la privatisation insidieuse du financement et des soins, ainsi que par les compressions budgétaires, selon une nouvelle étude, Unsafe Practices...
November 13, 2000 |
National Office, Ontario Office OTTAWA--Ontario's health care system is under threat from creeping privatization and public spending cuts, according to a new study, Unsafe Practices, released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy...
November 13, 2000 |
National Office, Ontario Office (Vancouver) The BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives co-published a major new study today. Without Foundation: How Medicare is Undermined by Gaps and Privatization in Community...
November 9, 2000 |
BC Office What's wrong with privatizing health care? Plenty.
That's the blunt conclusion of Health Care, Limited, a new synthesis report on the state of Canada's health care system, prepared for the Council...
November 6, 2000 |
National Office Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas avec la privatisation des soins de santé? Bien des choses.
C’est la conclusion tranchante des auteurs du rapport sur les soins de santé intitulé Health Care, Limited, un...
November 6, 2000 |
National Office (Vancouver) The BC office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a report today that evaluates a new policy tool's ability to protect our environment. Shifting Ground: A CCPA-BC...
October 26, 2000 |
National Office, BC Office (Ottawa) Federal-provincial negotiations to expand the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) should be stopped, according to a briefing paper by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, In Search of...
October 19, 2000 |
National Office, BC Office Ottawa–Une mise à jour économique alternative publiée aujourd’hui démontre qu’entre l’élection de 1997 et l’exercice financier 2001, les Libéraux n’auront consacré que 2 p. cent du dividende fiscal...
October 12, 2000 |
National Office (Vancouver) On the eve of the World March of Women and a conference on women's economic security co-hosted by Premier Ujjal Dosanjh and Women's Equality Minister Joan Smallwood, the Canadian Centre...
October 12, 2000 |
BC Office OTTAWA--An Alternative Economic Update released today shows that between the 1997 election and fiscal 2001, the Liberals will have spent only 2 per cent of the fiscal dividend on social investment,...
October 12, 2000 |
National Office (OTTAWA)--Although the economic well-being of Canadian workers has improved notably in the past two years, it remains significantly poorer than before the last recession, mainly because of a sharp...
September 28, 2000 |
National Office