News Releases

OTTAWA--Canadians may view their country as a land of opportunity, but it is also a land of deep and abiding inequality in its distribution of personal wealth. This is the key conclusion of Rags and...
December 12, 2002 | National Office, BC Office
(Winnipeg) Aboriginal high-school students want the education necessary to enable them to participate fully in Canadian society and in their own self-governance, but they do not want to abandon what...
December 11, 2002 | Manitoba Office
Should health care professionals and support staff have the right to strike? Why have more than 200,000 of them walked off the job for varying periods since 1999--whether they had the legal right to...
December 10, 2002 | National Office, Nova Scotia Office
OTTAWA--The Romanow report is a clear rejection of the status quo and a pragmatic step in the right direction to secure the future of public health care, according to CCPA economist Armine Yalnizyan...
November 28, 2002 | National Office
OTTAWA--Spurred by a plummeting Canadian dollar which has been subjected to strong speculative pressures during the last decade, support has built up for greater monetary integration and even for an...
November 21, 2002 | National Office
(Vancouver) The BC government is forfeiting hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue by allowing a dramatic increase in raw log exports. An estimated 800 forestry jobs, or $162 million in...
November 20, 2002 | BC Office
(OTTAWA) International trade agreements and other market-driven reforms in recent years have stripped nation-states of many tools to implement the activist industrial policies needed to promote...
November 15, 2002 | National Office, BC Office
(OTTAWA) The term "structural adjustment" is most commonly used to describe the onerous "free market" programs imposed on highly-indebted developing nations by the World Bank and International...
November 14, 2002 | National Office
Winnipeg — While Canada’s cities are in crisis, housing co-operatives can be part of the solution, a report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba demonstrates. The...
October 31, 2002 | Manitoba Office
(OTTAWA) Social policy in Canada should go further to address the needs of Canada's poorest, according to a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, titled Snakes and Ladders: A...
October 31, 2002 | National Office, BC Office
OTTAWA: The Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) project, coordinated by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, released its Economic and Fiscal Update today. The report, contrary to Minister...
October 29, 2002 | National Office
OTTAWA--Contrary to misleading government assurances, Canada's health care system is not fully protected from international trade agreements, namely, NAFTA and the WTO. But, if Canadian governments...
October 21, 2002 | National Office
Malgré les assurances trompeuses des gouvernements, le système de santé du Canada n’est pas pleinement protégé contre les accords commerciaux internationaux, et notamment l’ALENA et l’OMC. Cependant...
October 21, 2002 | National Office
Canada's sovereignty has been undermined by the international agreements the federal government has entered into with the World Trade Organization (WTO), and with the United States and Mexico in the...
October 9, 2002 | National Office