News Releases
TORONTO – The majority of Canadians believe Canada should try to distinguish itself in the world as a country where no one lives in poverty, according to an Environics Research poll conducted for the...
October 27, 2008 |
National Office (Vancouver) A new study calls on major public and private sector employers to pay a living wage that would lift low-income families out of poverty and severe financial stress. A living wage allows...
September 25, 2008 |
BC Office OTTAWA—Today the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) released The Harper Record, the most comprehensive analysis of the Conservative minority government’s record to date.
“Scheduled for...
September 23, 2008 |
National Office OTTAWA—The Harper government has become the first elected federal administration to experience a decline in average national productivity during its entire term in office since Statistics Canada...
September 10, 2008 |
National Office Water fountains are becoming an endangered species on university campuses across Canada. That’s one of the findings of a national on-line survey, Corporate Initiatives on Campus: A 2008 Snapshot,...
September 2, 2008 |
National Office VANCOUVER — Despite solid economic growth and low unemployment rates, BC is home to a growing number of casual workers who struggle to achieve economic security, according to a new study by two...
August 2, 2008 |
BC Office VICTORIA — Logging rates and forestland sales by the three largest private forestland owners on southern Vancouver Island pose grave risks to globally rare Douglas fir forests and to the region’s...
July 16, 2008 |
BC Office TORONTO – The richest 10 percent of Canadians create a bigger ecological footprint – a whopping 66 percent higher – than the average Canadian household, says a new study by the Canadian Centre for...
June 24, 2008 |
National Office TORONTO – Les 10 % de Canadiens et de Canadiennes les plus riches créent une plus grande empreinte écologique – dans une proportion considérable de 66 % – que le ménage moyen au Canada, révèle une...
June 24, 2008 |
National Office (Ottawa) – Le nouveau rapport publié aujourd’hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) soulève de sérieuses questions concernant les répercussions du projet de pipeline de gaz...
June 19, 2008 |
National Office (OTTAWA) – A new report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) raises serious questions about the impact of a proposed trans-Afghanistan natural gas pipeline on the role...
June 19, 2008 |
National Office (Vancouver) A new study of farm work in BC reveals systematic violations of employment standards and health and safety regulations, poor and often dangerous working conditions, and dismal enforcement...
June 18, 2008 |
BC Office EDMONTON—Despite the fact that we are running out of natural gas, and that we import 49% of the oil we consume, NAFTA dictates that Canada’s government cannot reduce the percentage of oil and gas we...
May 28, 2008 |
National Office EDMONTON – En vertu de l’ALÉNA, même si le Canada est confronté à une pénurie en gaz naturel et qu’il importe 49 % du pétrole qu’il consomme, il lui est défendu de diminuer ses exportations actuelles...
May 28, 2008 |
National Office OTTAWA—The federal government's planned corporate tax cuts will only exacerbate the existing inequalities in Canada's economy—both between regions and across industries, says a study released today...
May 8, 2008 |
National Office