News Releases
OTTAWA—Eighty-six percent of Canadian families would gain no benefit from the proposed Conservative income splitting plan, says a new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy...
January 28, 2014 |
National Office TORONTO – Today’s recommendation by the province’s Minimum Wage Advisory Panel to tie the province’s minimum wage to cost of living increases is both welcome news and unfinished business, said Trish...
January 27, 2014 |
Ontario Office (Vancouver) Statistics Canada data reveals that BC’s labour market stalled in 2013, despite the much-hyped BC Jobs Plan launched over two years ago. A new report looks at how and why the plan is...
January 9, 2014 |
BC Office Ottawa—Tout juste après la pause du dîner de la première journée de travail officielle de l’année, les PDG les mieux rémunérés du Canada ont encaissé ce que la majorité de la population canadienne...
January 2, 2014 |
National Office OTTAWA—Just after lunch on the first official work day of the year, Canada’s highest paid CEOs pocket what would take most Canadians all of 2014 to earn, says the Canadian Centre for Policy...
January 2, 2014 |
National Office OTTAWA – A report on the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS) has just been released by the Rideau Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Blank Cheque: National...
December 11, 2013 |
National Office Winnipeg, MB – A collection of photographs taken by Winnipeg youth offers a fresh perspective on some of city's lowest income neighbourhoods. They tell stories of what makes for good places to live,...
December 9, 2013 |
Manitoba Office WINNIPEG—Low-income families face difficult choices: pay the rent or buy food; forego dental care to buy school supplies. Parents faced with these dilemmas are stressed and often ill. Their children...
November 27, 2013 |
Manitoba Office Halifax—In 2011, there were still 29,000 children living in poverty in Nova Scotia, twenty-two years after the House of Commons pledged to eliminate poverty for children in Canada by the year 2000....
November 26, 2013 |
Nova Scotia Office OTTAWA—Canada has failed in its humanitarian duty to protect the human right to health in the form of safe and low cost medicines for the people in developing countries, says a study released today...
November 25, 2013 |
National Office OTTAWA—The recent World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling that the Ontario Green Energy Act’s local content requirements conflict with international trade rules is based on an overly restrictive...
November 21, 2013 |
National Office, Ontario Office (Vancouver) A year and a half after the release of an exhaustive and damning report on the state of seniors care by the province’s Ombudsperson, the BC government has largely failed to make...
November 14, 2013 |
BC Office OTTAWA—The Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) will result in significantly higher drug costs for Canadians, says a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (...
October 31, 2013 |
National Office Ottawa—L’Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (AECG) mènera à une hausse significative du coût des médicaments selon une étude publiée aujourd’hui par le...
October 31, 2013 |
National Office OTTAWA—A study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) points the finger at corporate negligence and regulatory failure as root causes of the Lac-Mégantic disaster....
October 22, 2013 |
National Office